Musical Instruments

The altar at which we worship – the quality instruments that help make the musician. Whether it’s rock, classical or techno we’re truly excited about the whole wide world of musical instruments. From beginner to arenas, no matter the stage, we provide what it takes to assure the music never dies.

Exertis l Jam Latin America is the leading distributor of musical instrument products, in terms of the range and volume of instruments that we distribute. Nobody in the world does MI distribution better than Exertis l Jam Latin America does. Which is why we have the best sales people in the business calling on virtually every retail channel that sells instruments – supporting local merchants, large chains, and online specialists. We know every single retailer out there and we are proud to be partners in their success.

Our MI management group knows and understands what it takes to move a brand from “wannabe” to “must have” status.